Calm Down Corner Sales Page

Kids Don't Need a Time Out.

But you do need a way to teach your child how to regulate their emotions

With a Calm Down Corner Kit

A simple printable pack of resources and a how to guide to set up the best calm down corner in your own home.

Just imagine if...

Your child knew tools to calm themselves down when they felt angry.

If they had a safe place designed just for them to regulate their emotions.

Imagine less screaming and crying in your home.

Finally teach your child how to work through their tantrums and meltdowns with the

Calm Down Corner Kit

Everything you need to set up a calm down corner at home - that actually teaches your child how to calm down.

Start Your Calm Down Corner Today

Hear what others have to say...

"This product has made parenting a hundred times easier.

I was at the end of my rope almost. It felt like anytime my older wasn’t having a meltdown, my toddler was having a tantrum instead and I was on the verge of breaking down myself some days.

When for the second or third time we used the “candles” breathing exercise and she still broke out in giggles each time. That’s when I knew it would stick. [...] Honestly, this product has made parenting a hundred times easier and more of a cooperative effort than a constant power struggle. Nearly a miracle in my own house."

-Fawn, daughter age 6

"[I knew it was helping my child] when he was able to calm down and point out which emotion he was feeling. I really enjoyed this product!"

-Cheyenne, son age 3

"[The moment I knew it was working for my child was] when he asked to go through the yoga poses having only done them once - both times whilst calm, but it was something that stuck with him and something he enjoyed doing with me so allowed for some real connection time.It's a functional resource in our home and can be referred to quickly and easily, there are a few more feeling words being added to my child's vocabulary to better describe his feelings, even if just in play. Great resource, would recommend."

-Justine, son age 3

"It has everything you need to start your calm down corner"

"[Before using the calm down corner the problem was] them exploding when they got upset and not being able to calm down.

[After using the calm down corner kit we have] not so many melt downs and meltdowns that don’t last as long. We are able to communicate better to each other and understand how each person is feeling. [I realized it was working] when they started to calm down a lot faster and tell me in more words how they felt inside. It’s a good resource that has everything that you need to start your calm down corner."

-Allison Lola-8, Mary Margaret-5.5, Charlotte-4.5

"Now instead of feeling like I just get more and more frustrated, I can offer her her calm down kit...She was very excited to explore it when I first introduced it. During a few meltdowns when I offer the calm down kit she has taken it and, while still upset, calmed down a bit. And the fact that she was willing to accept it and look at it is a huge step. Usually she just screams at me."

-Courtney, daughter age 5

"[I knew it was working for my child] when she asked to go to it on her own.[Now there is] less yelling and tantrums."

-Heather, child age 6

What's Included in the Calm Down Corner Kit?

Hi, I'm Lizzy

I made this product for parents just like me. The ones who want to take a gentle parenting approach while also teaching emotional intelligence (possibly because crying and screaming all day might make us lose our minds, but who's to say?).

I'm an Early Childhood Educator by day, and host of EasyGentleParenting.Com by night. I'm passionate about teaching parents Gentle Parenting so they can have a healthier and more enjoyable relationship with their child.

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